RFC Chairman William J. Murray to appear on Huckabee Show concerning Newtown school shooting

William J Murray and Gov. Mike Huckabee

William J Murray and Gov. Mike Huckabee


William J. Murray, chairman of the Government Is Not God Political Action Committee and the Religious Freedom Coalition will be on Mike Huckabee’s radio program today at 12:32 EST to discuss the Newtown, Connecticut school massacre.

NEW: Hear the audio of William J. Murray’s segment with Mike Huckabee here.

Murray will discuss his WorldNetDaily column on the massacre and the “modern church” that promotes a “feel good” message instead of the biblical doctrines of sin and hell.

As Murray noted:

“If an individual is not afraid of the wrath of God, it is impossible to cause him to fear the justice of the state.

“The killing of young children at their school will be linked by many pundits to the availability of guns. Still others will blame the violent act on some pathology or childhood trauma. Some may even blame the Hollywood culture with its disregard for humanity, on which human bodies are seen being dissected nightly on network TV. Virtually no one will call what occurred in Newtown an act of evil.”

“Probably not a single sermon will be preached in which the perpetrator is predicted to have begun his eternal punishment for his crime after judgment by a just and angry God. A splintered American church driven by a pew-hungry, feel-good message will offer assurances that eternal peace awaits all those who died, including the shooter. The words “hell” and “sin” will very likely not be used in any sermons associated with the massacre.”

Read the rest of his commentary at WorldNetDaily and listen to his discussion with Mike Huckabee today at 12:32 EST.

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  1. […] Christian Politics News Source- http://www.religiousfreedomcoalition.org/2012/12/17/rfc-chairman-william-j-murray-to-appear-on-hucka… ____________________________________________________ < William J. Murray, chairman of the […]

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